Selasa, 23 September 2014

Me and My Hijab (hi)Story

Every September 4th is celebrated as International Hijab Solidarity Day since 2004. Somehow that event (which is just known by me lately) reminds me back on my own hijab history. I have worn hijab since I was in Junior High School, it’s about 9-10 years ago, quite long time right? But in those 10 years have passed, it was a quite long period of love-hate-love-hate-love relationship with my hijab. I took off my hijab for several times (actually in almost my “me” time) and I wore it again in different occasions (officially school and college occasions). It bothered me soooooo much until I depressed because of the feeling of I couldn’t be myself, the real me. I felt that I faked my personality in different opportunities and couldn’t express my passionate desire to be a cool and funky teenage girl like mostly my friends.

I believed that hijab was also the reason why I didn’t get the “proper” boyfriend, because I covered up my body so that the boys couldn’t get a closer look on me (couldn’t see the beauty of me) or probably not really comfortable to have a special relationship with headcovered girl, like me. Hijab was also the biggest reason why I wasn’t accepted in some contests, job, or even student exchange that considers outer looks as priority, although in fact I was capable. Yes, “funny” little treat (or threat?) because I wore hijab.

Yes, it was such a difficult time until I decided to stop blaming myself. Besides, the society gave me label as “Hijaber” since I won a little Hijab Styling Contest in college. I knew that I couldn’t please everyone and I did understand that I couldn’t live under somebody else’s expectation, but then I realized what was the essential thing on Earth that we actually find? At least just please myself, just please Allah as our creator.  I assured myself that I am more beautiful with my hijab on. On my 22nd birthday, March 1st 2014 I took a big decision to always wear my hijab wherever and whenever. A choice to be beautiful to God rather than to people.

I acknowledge that I haven’t worn my hijab appropriately because I am still learning to strengthen my faith. Although I know after wearing hijab doesn’t mean that It can 180 degrees change my personality, my attitude, my oral speaking, my thought, and so on, I wish I can manage myself and prevent a bad habit that I want to do or say. Besides, how me myself can elevate the way of praying and serving Allah.

Finally, I consider in my point of view isn’t only a headscarf or head-cover for Moslem women. Hijab is the true beauty of Islam, the identity of a Muslimah, not only rituals. It’s simply another show of devotion to our creator and another way to worship our Lord. 

I am pretty much grateful to God that I live in a country that most of the citizens are Moslem, I mean the biggest Moslem citizens on the world so I can live peacefully with my hijab. When someday I have a chance to live in the country that most of the citizens are not Moslem, may Allah always protect me. So does for all Moslem Women all over the world.

Photographer :

Indira Paramaningtyas

Photoshoot Spot :

Serafin Pattisserie

Amazing little cafe with simple concept

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